usage of a space allocated to the occupant, by One Big Family Oregon for the duration of the event "Afro-Fest PDX". The event runs from 1 1am till 9pm (September 2 and 3rd,
In return, the non-profit, One Big Family Oregon shall ensure to the occupant, a secure and safe space for the purpose for the occupant to display, sell and deliver his/her products and/or services to potential clients and customers.
Make sure that you have read and understood that this is a document that serves as a contract between the non-profit One Big Family Oregon and every individual occupant, separately.
Ihave read and agreed to abide by the conditions of the contract submitted to my
person as an occupant or my business by One Big Family Oregon, stated in the occupant and exhibitor guidelines. I understand that failure to execute these expectations, may disqualify me as an
occupant or my business from future participation.